Open Educational Resources Economics Research

I am working with Dr. Stacey Brockman (WSU College of Education) as a post-doctoral researcher on a few education-based public policy papers.  We will be working with data from the University of Michigan's Education Policy Initiative to examine the impacts of Open Edcucational Resources (OER) on student educational outcomes from multiple Michigan community colleges.  This research should provide some interesting insights into alternative ways of accessing and distributing educational materials that could improve grades and save money.

Job Market Success!!

I am proud to announce my new job as a post-doctoral researcher for the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) starting in July!  I will be working with researchers Dr. Emilia Simeonova (JHU Carey Business School) and Dr. Randall Akee (UCLA Public Policy).  We will be working on a National Institute of Health (NIH) grant that looks into the health disparities of Native Americans on reservations and rural areas during the onset of the pandemic.  I am beyond excited for this great opportunity!  Thank you to everyone who helped me get this far, encouraged me, and believed in me.  I am eternally grateful.

Upcoming Conferences (FDA)

I am presenting findings from a recreational cannabis law paper with co-authors Shooshan Danagoulian, Monica Deza, and Timothy Hodge at the Federal Drug Administration, Office of Economic Analysis Brown Bag Seminar on April 3rd.  My coauthor, Monica Deza (Syracuse University), is presenting our paper at the American Association for Health Economists in San Diego, CA on June 17th.  The paper is coming along nicely with some exciting results that we cannot wait to share.

Data Funding via WSU Grad School

Working on a few health economics projects that require the use of consumer purchases and their timing within a week.  In conjunction with Dr. Shooshan Danagoulian and fellow colleague, Jacob Whitman, we were able to secure funding to purchase about 15 years of Nielsen Consumer Panel Data for the next three years.

Presenting at the Southern Economic Association (SEA)

I will be in musical and unique New Orleans for the 93rd Annual SEA Annual Meeting from November 18th - 20th, 2023.  I am scheduled to present on one of my dissertation chapters, "Competitive Analysis of Healthcare Providers amidst the Onset of a Pandemic: Catchment Area Modeling by Provider Location."  I will present my paper on Saturday, November 18th at 8:00 am in the Competition in Health Care Panel.

Presenting at the Western Economic Association International (WEAI)

I will be in beautiful and sunny San Diego for the 98th Annual WEAI Conference from July 2nd - 6th, 2023.  I am scheduled to present on one of my dissertation chapters, "Competitive Analysis of Healthcare Providers amidst the Onset of a Pandemic: Catchment Area Modeling by Provider and Patient Location" on the 5th at 12:30 pm PST.  I will also be a discussant for Dr. Alvaro Mezza's paper on measuring the local supply of prescription opioids.  Check out the conference below:

Applied Health Economics Research Publication

Paper recently published by Health Economics in its September 2022 issue.  This paper studies the impacts of a pandemic on preventative dental care.  This is a co-authored paper with Dr. Shooshan Danagoulian & was part of my recent research assignment at Wayne State University.  The paper details the impact of visits to dentists using SafeGraph Patterns data & types of care being offset or avoided using Medicaid data for the state of Michigan.

"Locking Out Prevention: Dental Care in the Midst of a Pandemic".  You can find link to the article below:

Honors, Scholarships, Fellowships, & Grants

Health Economics Research Analysis (HERA) Group - 2020

Population Health OutcomEs aNd Information EXchange (PHOENIX) Project - 2020

Recipient of the Goodman/Hankin Endowed Scholarship in Health Economics & Sociology - 2020

Thomas C. Rumble Fellow - 2019

Copyright Thomas A. Wilk 2024